Article Abstract
International Journal of Trends in Emerging Research and Development, 2024;2(1):196-199
The importance of value education in the present education system
Author : Anupreet Jassar and Dr. Mudita Popli
In 21st century in the context of achieve goals of education, value education ha became issue of permanent importance. The crisis of value is pervasive resulting on adverse development in all walks of life. Value crisis is not only a problem at the national level but it is also felt globally. Values are closely related with aims of education. Values are part and parcel of the philosophy. Hence aims of education naturally concerned with values. In the other word, value-oriented education is very essential to live in the responsive society. A value crisis in a society implies an erosion of the traditional values of a society or a dilemma situation where there is little balance between traditional values and modern values. Material values prevail over ethical, moral, social and spiritual values. At present, India is passing through a period of value crisis in several areas of national life. It is generally said that individual life as well as our social life is plagued by the evil values of corruption, cynicism, discord, disruption, hypocrisy and violence. Most of the youth have no respect for elders and women, lying has become their habit, and everywhere there is crime and jealousy that drains the much-desired moral values. The overall development of an individual is incomplete if moral values are neglected. With a well-designed curriculum system, it is possible to make education an effective tool for cultivating desirable ethical, moral, spiritual and social values. Value education should help eliminate obscurantism, religion, fanaticism, violence, superstition and fatalism. Education that inculcates universal and eternal values like compassion, courage, honesty, tolerance and truthfulness etc. will help in developing balanced individuals and creating a humane society. It is everyone's responsibility as parents, teachers, great personalities and education to develop the required human values in the young generation. Education without values is like a crime. Therefore, value-based education is a necessity and an indispensable facility. In addition to education, schools should engage in activities that create a sense of brotherhood and love. Schools must participate in social causes through students. Students must be taught the importance of honesty, hard work, respect for others, cooperation and forgiveness. Parents must remember that children look up to their parents and see them as their role models. They should show and set an example of a disciplined life. Experts believe that lack of moral value is the main cause of India's unrest and deteriorating conditions. Restlessness among the youth is a major cause of crime. Openness, easy access to unwanted elements and lack of self-control are becoming a bad part of our society. The youth must be guided and shown the right path. Education must focus on the all-round development of the child, because moral values help to make complete human beings not just individuals. It prepares them for their future role. We need to check this immediately, because if moral values continue to deteriorate, it can lead to the total collapse of society.
Value education, modern values, education, ethical, moral, spiritual