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Article Abstract

International Journal of Trends in Emerging Research and Development, 2024;2(5):06-15

Foundation repair for Earthfill dams to mitigate piping and boiling phenomenon

Author : Kuntjoro, Nafik Nurlaila and Deris Faisa Ralindra


Embankment dams are highly susceptible to collapse due to hydrostatic pressure, water pressure, and geometric factors. This study aims to identify and analyse the potential risks of collapse and the impact of seepage on embankment dams. Crucial factors in maintaining dam stability include the selection of dam-forming materials and a stable foundation, particularly in addressing erosion due to seepage. The analysis was conducted using the SEEP/W program, focusing on three observation locations (STA) representing Normal Water Level and Flood Water Level conditions. In the initial phase, the analysis was performed under conditions without foundation repair to understand the extent of potential collapse risks. Subsequently, an analysis was conducted on several foundation repair alternatives, including grouting, cut off wall, and upstream blanket. The results of the analysis are presented in terms of safety factors against symptoms of piping and boiling for each STA under Flood Water Level conditions. The main findings indicate that safety factors can be significantly improved through the implementation of alternative foundation repair methods, where grouting, cut off wall, and upstream blanket each provide different levels of enhancement. A summary of these analysis results provides insight into potential risks and the effectiveness of foundation repair solutions, serving as valuable guidance in enhancing the safety of embankment dams. Presenting this information is expected to contribute to a deeper understanding of factors influencing dam stability and adopted foundation repair strategies to reduce the risk of collapse.


Embankment dams, collapse risk, seepage, foundation repair safety factors