Article Abstract
International Journal of Trends in Emerging Research and Development, 2023;1(1):212-218
The Vedic SÅ«tras for binary division
Author : Raubin Kumar, Dr. Ashfaq Ur Rahman and Dr. Savita Tiwari
The use of SÅ«tras in computer arithmetic and several disciplines of mathematics to solve problems is investigated in the paper. You may find examples of binary arithmetic in Vedic mathematics, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squaring, and cubing. By applying the SÅ«tras to a range of novel situations and places, the researcher has sought to clarify their usefulness. Word formulas are used to recall the SÅ«tras and Sub-SÅ«tras. Once we grasp their meaning and pattern, we may apply the relevant SÅ«tras to solve the issue in a matter of seconds, unlike traditional mathematics where numerous steps are written in between. There is little effort needed to wean students off the calculators, and the procedure is unaffected by the students' ages or qualifications. To summaries, Algebra from the Vedas is a tool for better computation abilities. The consistency mathematics found in the Vedas the most significant trait, according to researchers. This property makes mathematics fun and simple to understand. It encourages new ideas as well.
Vedic mathematics, theorems, formalism, proofs, algebraic