International Journal of Trends in Emerging Research and Development, 2023;1(1):87-90
Overview of ayurveda: Challenges and way forward
Author : Arambam Dorendro Singh and Dr. Ravindra Kumar
Ayurveda, according to Caraka, is knowledge which seeks to weigh life in the scales of wholesomeness and happiness against their opposites. Its main theme of health and disease, and recovery of health from disease take the stage against an inspiring background of intuitive philosophy, lofty idealism, and vivid compassion, which are the hallmarks of India’s cultural inheritance. Ayurveda literally means "the knowledge of life". In Sanskrit, the word Ayurveda consists of the words āyu, meaning "life" and veda, meaning “knowledge" or "science". The growth of science depends upon research and there is no denying the fact that the understanding of the health care personnel, scientists and researchers today, in any given stream of science is because of research. The fundamental purpose of research is to know the truth and to benefit the society. In terms of medical research, it aims at knowing or re establishing the new molecules / drugs which are good for our patients. Scientific journals spread the new knowledge, push forward the frontiers of current knowledge in every aspect, allow publication of creative ideas and form the basis of ongoing innovations. Reasons that drive research include-the desire to know the truth, and the quest for knowledge, the desire of recognition amongst peers and to enhance one’s image and prestige. Over a period we have moved from expert based medical practice to evidence based medical practice.
Ayurveda, science, medical