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International Journal of Trends in Emerging Research and Development, 2024;2(1):45-49

To study hygiene habits nutritional and health related fitness among school going children of Delhi

Author : Sakshi and Dr. Ritu


Knowledge of ideas and procedures pertaining to nutrition and health is referred to as nutrition knowledge. It covers information on foods that are important sources of nutrients, diet and illness, and dietary guidelines and recommendations. It is crucial for increasing consciousness and, eventually, the general well-being of society.

Sustaining life requires sufficient food. Food is frequently used in conjunction with the phrase "nutrition." Food's biological significance is determined by the nutrients it contains. Gaining information about nutrition is necessary to implement better eating habits. It is important to recognize the impact that increasing one's knowledge about nutrition can have on one's health and eating choices.

Healthy eating choices may therefore demonstrate a child's well-being and capacity to study and play normally, as malnutrition has an impact on both of these areas. Childhood eating habits have a direct impact on the development, growth, and prevalence of disease throughout the life cycle. Thus, it is important to establish healthy eating habits early childhood. When kids get older and into puberty, their diets typically get worse. Adolescents typically do not prioritize healthy eating, and as a result, unhealthy eating habits increase the risk of both present and future health issues.


Knowledge, nutrition, food, well-being, health issues