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International Journal of Trends in Emerging Research and Development, 2024;2(1):30-39

Study of solar energy potential from by experimental method

Author : Raj Kishore Kumar and Dr. Vipin Kumar


With the escalating concerns regarding the depletion of conventional energy resources and the adverse environmental impacts associated with their usage, renewable energy sources have emerged as a promising alternative. Among these, solar energy stands out as a clean, abundant, and sustainable option to address the world's growing energy demands. This research article delves into a comprehensive study aimed at evaluating the solar energy potential through experimental methods. The investigation entails meticulous measurements of solar radiation, solar panels' performance, and energy conversion efficiency. A well-designed experimental setup is deployed, integrating advanced sensors and data acquisition systems to accurately capture solar irradiance levels and ambient conditions. The solar panels under scrutiny are carefully selected to represent various technologies commonly employed in the industry. The study area is strategically chosen to ensure diversity in climatic conditions and seasonal variations. Extensive data collection spanning multiple months enables a thorough analysis of solar energy patterns under different weather scenarios, including clear skies, partial cloud cover, and overcast days.

The findings of this research provide valuable insights into the untapped solar energy potential in the study area. It offers a solid foundation for policymakers, energy planners, and investors to make informed decisions regarding the integration of solar power into the existing energy mix. The study also highlights the significance of proper design, installation, and maintenance of solar panels to maximize their energy harvest over their operational lifetime.


Solar energy, experimental method, solar panels