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International Journal of Trends in Emerging Research and Development, 2024;2(2):11-13

Impact of different farmers traits on the adoption of sugarcane production technology in western Uttar Pradesh

Author : Dr. Sanjeev Kumar and Dr. Awadhesh Narayan Shukla


Sugarcane is one of the important commercialized crops in India. This provides raw material to sugar industry. This crop has forward linkages to many other industries. The payment by the industry to the farmers provides consistent income to them. This has crucial role in their socio-economic development. Uttar Pradesh is the front runner in sugar cane and sugar production In India. The Hapur and Muzaffarnagar districts of Uttar Pradesh have been selected for collecting 200 samples. Twenty independent variables were chosen with seven sugarcane cultivators under modern practices. Six independent variables viz. education of farmer, extension contact, and exposure to media, proneness to change, profitability and know-how of technology was highly effective for bridging the gap in technology that showed actual production practices in vogue. Area of a particular district provides information about ground reality, input for the future development of the area.


Sugarcane, technology gap, farmers, variables, coefficient of correlation