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Article Abstract

International Journal of Trends in Emerging Research and Development, 2024;2(4):04-07

Wild plants used as a forest ecosystem service by the local inhabitants of the Sarkaghat and its adjacent of Himachal Pradesh to the subsistence of their livelihood

Author : Rajni Kant, Devender Kumar and Kumar Ambrish


The current plants research in Himachal Pradesh's Sarkaghat region intended to chronicle the area's economic plant resources and traditional knowledge. To explore the economic uses of plants, local communities, indigenous people, farmers, and competent forest department officials were contacted. The study discovered numerous valuable plant species of cultural, medical, and economic worth, including Myrica esculenta, Rhododendron arboreum, and Dioscorea bulbifera. Traditional knowledge connected with plant resources must be preserved for long-term development, biodiversity protection, and the well-being of people relying on these resources. Plant secondary metabolites, which play an important role in plant adaptation and defense, are becoming better understood. It is feasible to enhance sustainable agriculture by recognising and appreciating the value of these plant resources. The preservation of this one-of-a-kind environment is critical for maintaining ecological balance, saving endangered species, and preserving traditional knowledge about plant resources. The Sarkaghat area research emphasises the economic and cultural relevance of numerous plant species, emphasising the need of conserving traditional knowledge for the well-being of people and the region's sustainable development. In this paper only included highly economic plants those are used by local inhabitants for the subsistence of their livelihood.


Himalaya, economic, traditional, biodiversity, inhabitants