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International Journal of Trends in Emerging Research and Development, 2024;2(2):87-91

Dietary and nutritional strategies for maintaining glycemic stability in toddlers and young children with type 1 diabetes: A comprehensive investigation

Author : Anil Shivmurti Yadav and Dr. Saurabh Sharma


In the context of Type 1 diabetes, retaining stable blood sugar degrees in babies and young youngsters is of paramount significance. This research delves into the complex dating between weight loss program, vitamins, and glycemic manipulate on this inclined demographic. The look at objectives to explore how dietary picks and nutritional fame impact the stableness of blood glucose levels in youngsters grappling with Type1 diabetes. Through a rigorous method encompassing potential cohort analysis, dietary evaluation, and glucose tracking, we investigated the potential correlations among nutritional styles, nutritional markers, and glycemic fluctuations. The findings unearthed from this examine remove darkness from the importance of tailor-made dietary tactics in managing glycemic balance in children with Type 1 diabetes. By filling critical gaps in present expertise, this studies contributes precious insights that preserve promise for refining diabetes control strategies and enhancing the nice of life for these children.


Type 1 diabetes, glycemic stability, dietary factors, nutritional influence